April 17, 2024 What Are We Going To Do Today?

What tools and processes help you with Recovery? Recovery is unique for each one of us. I want to share with you some of my activities and beliefs. The 12 steps feed me and are found in the body of Christ. The steps are eternal and Christ is forever feeding me. I have not memorized the 12 steps however I can access them on my computer and the Depressed Anonymous Books I have https://depressedanon.com/. This access allows me to view and contemplate my progress daily and weekly.

There are moments I cannot understand the eternal feast Christ wants to share with me. I need life to be certain and predictable because if life was unpredictable then life would be filled with risks. I still go back to my former ways of living on the road to Recovery. Christ loves me. Everyone I contact and love Christ wants me to share his love through me because I am part of the body of Christ.

Mistakes we make do not define us. The steps can help us resolve errors in our judgment. The steps can feed us eternally and forever.

Recognizing our uniqueness of Recovery is the beauty of healing and finding hope. I have shared with you some activities and beliefs of my Recovery. What are we going to do today to nurture ourselves and those we come in contact with?

If you are comfortable I am open to receiving an email from you describing your journey. This will remain confidential.



email: ljw@superhumanbeing.net

website: https://superhumanbeing.net/

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