During my meditation time yesterday, I listened to a man who asked if we ever encountered a pool friend. I learned a pool friend is a person who comes over to the neighbor’s home with a towel in hand asking, “Can I use your pool?”
In Recovery, we want deeper relationships with other people than a pool friend. We work for spiritual connection with others in Recovery that lasts not just for the moment but a lifetime. We can accomplish some of this spiritual maturity by reading spiritual works, reflecting, and meditating on the rhythm of our lives. Think of the seasons of the year. We are now experiencing the rhythm of springtime. The birds return, the flowers bloom, the grass turns green, and trees grow their leaves.
Recovery calls us to dig deeper as people of healing and take action to surround ourselves with supportive companions. Authentic Recovery fills us with faith and embraces the seasons of our lives.
email: ljw@superhumanbeing.net
website: https://superhumanbeing.net/