We can let go of any mirage we hold onto that Recovery is something other than to struggle, suffer, and love and value interdependent relationships, no matter how rumbled things become in our lives.
I fall short many times to live out the steps of Recovery. For instance, I have become a little weary serving my father who is homebound due to an injured knee. The caretaking involves picking up his prescriptions, grocery shopping, and performing domestic duties. Realizing the importance of having a personal relationship with the 12 steps helps me unselfishly serve people. During the last 40 days, I have dedicated 30 minutes in the morning to prayer and meditation. I want to improve my relationship with God, my wife, my children, my father, my father/mother-in-law, and my friends. Having been through the mill in my life it opens my heart to be compassionate, kind, caring, and loving of other people.
We can be grounded in the love of Recovery (For me this is God) and serve other people. We die to our old selves and place our energy in striving to live for other people in our families, community, and Recovery community. When I share this with you it comes with a warning. Many of us in Recovery have been superior by serving others. However, we need to balance our service to others with caring for our health and well-being.
When we fly on an airplane the stewardess performs a safety check. They direct us to the oxygen mask above our heads. If the mask is necessary the stewardess instructs us to secure our mask first, then assist others which includes our children. This is an example of balancing self-care and serving others.
How do you balance self-care and serving others?
email: ljw@superhumanbeing.net
website: https://superhumanbeing.net/