April 8, 2024 Happy Birthday

Imagine that today is our birthday (If it is Happy Birthday). There are three distinct messages in the card offering wisdom for our Recovery.

The first message on the cover is “Be Not Afraid.” Draw on the courage we have inside of ourselves to extinguish any fear blocking our healing.

The next message upon opening our birthday card is on the left side. “Nothing is impossible.” Sometimes we may find sticking to a Recovery plan downright frustrating. It is possible to heal, have hope, and seek forgiveness from those we have harmed. Never give up and remember small miracles occur throughout our day.

Lastly, on the right side of our card, the message is, “Your will be done.” We surrender to meditation and prayer, which is the root of practicing the 12 steps. It is on this page that Recovery is actualized in our lives.

This card is timeless for us. Each year we have a day to celebrate our life. The card I am offering to us can be opened every day throughout the year. This card is loaded with beauty inviting us to take action.



email: ljw@superhumanbeing.net

website: https://superhumanbeing.net/

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