The cup which we are willing to drink, and which we drink until it is entirely empty, becomes the cup of transformation and healing. Drinking the cup of transformation means emptying the cup of hurt, pain, and suffering so that Recovery can fill it with unsoiled life.
When we are contemplating Recovery sometimes we plead with another person or group to take the cup away. That cup is filled to the top with the worst of our humanity such as pride, anger, bitterness, etc. When we decide to Recover, we realize that to heal, we must absorb the hate, hurt, and horrors of our life and let go. We may wince at the demands of Recovery. However, Recovery offers a mechanism to reshape our lives.
Yes, the good news is that Recovery has a 12-step plan (see June 2, 2023 Blog), the cup that once was filled with our shortcomings becomes the cup of transformation and healing. And we who drink the sweetness, trust in Recovery’s love and healing, and are given a new and pure soul, enabling and empowering us to find blessings and peace