In observance of Memorial Day yesterday, there was no post. Thank you to the veterans among us and their families for your sacrifice. Blessings to those who gave their lives so we can enjoy the freedom we have today.
It’s hard to grasp some of the incredible marvels of Recovery. An addict finds sobriety. A man begins taking a prescription to manage his sadness and anxiety. A woman enters therapy to address her Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Another man subscribes to a daily blog in order to receive daily nourishment for his soul.
Sadly, many people find it harder to believe what Recovery accomplishes for our health and well-being. But for those of us who are blessed to live a life of Recovery, the Recovery message is our greatest joy. By emptying ourselves we become mere mortals. Recovery humbles us as we enter into working the 12 steps. Our charge is to embrace and share the life-giving good news with as many people as possible.